The stench that occurs when visiting the unwashed abode of someone who lives in there own filth. The smell will most likely stick to your clothes and a shower is definitely in required to eliminate the smell. (Deemed flat stench as it is most common in small stuffy flats with terrible airflow)
Saul: It stinks in here.
Callum: Its the Flat Stench.
Saul: I can never get this out Yeah, I've already washed my converse shirt like 7 times it's putrid intoxicating wank is almost impossible to evade
by UrbanNigtionary June 17, 2016
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1) the anus/the dirt-box

"New" meaning possibly introduced by Bizarre magazine, who used it this way whilst stating that their magazine was anal-sex-obssessed

2) the vagina
1) "anal - dedicated to the stench trench"
2) "don't ever eat out a whore's stench trench!"
by su france 2 July 16, 2011
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A person who has facial features like a rat or a weasel and smells horrendously.
Me: Hey Stu, did you see that stench weasel?
Stu: Yeah, Craig is a stinky ugly bastard!
by jaywant May 21, 2008
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This foul pungent air disturbance has been known to peel the plates from an armadillo's back in hot weather. The poncey arty shite does not believe in soap or any other personal hygiene product and also wears black clothing which as you can imagine, increases the risk of larvae nesting within the arsehole's skin. The disturbance can be compared to rotting flesh, sewage and a hint of pig's genitalia froth.
Is that dog turd? has someone died? no, its the stench of Briggsy
by Vag Face September 8, 2006
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a lingering odor of people that have not bathed yet and have that pre-shower bacterial crust following them around as they get close to clean people eating.
Darrel needs a shower, he smells like my old gym bag and has a raunchy morning stench.
by busterboner September 6, 2009
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A person of violently offensive odour - likened to the smell of a crusty uncleaned bell
the head mistress became increasingly aware that her personal assiatant was a bell stench
by Willes Road October 12, 2003
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