Comes from norse meaning One with biggest penis in the town. One of the best ladies men ever, also the awesomest mother fucker to ever live, usually seen tearing it up with some fine ladies,
Synonyms:Awesome,Pimp,"The Shit"
Antonyms:Douche bag,lame,homosexual
Yea he's a total cole
by Who freaking Cares February 8, 2011
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The most amzing guy EVER ! He'll suprise you.
He loves to joke around and he'll nerver stop

Telling you your beautiful. He will be so nice to
you, you won't notice until he's gone. I love you

You: Eww my hair looks disgusting!
Cole: You look so beautiful 😘
by Jrm123 May 27, 2012
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N. A general term for a person who is eccentric yet charismatic. While they march to their own drum, they are fun to be around--as long as you don't take them too seriously. Expect many quirks and layers to their personality. They often appear offhand with their closest friends, but do truly care about them. Many of them seem to live in 'another world', referencing books, TV and movies to such an extent you wonder if they have lost touch with reality. Don't worry, they haven't. They're just having fun.
Roommate: 'Hey man, chill. It's fine. What's a sonic screwdriver anyway?'
Cole: "Did I loan it to Spock again? Oh, I bet I left it in the Batcave. Just a second!"
by Evergreen Man March 7, 2013
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A person that is retarded and sucks dick 24/7 AND STICKS A SCREW DRIVER IN A HEATER
by Daddylover123 February 7, 2018
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He is the thickest person in the world his peen is bigger the Cuban missile. When he shoots his cum on u it will feel like getting spit on by a llama. He may have man tits but can also squirt milk out of them like cows. In basketball he shoots but not the baskets he shoots the kids. In baseball when gets a run he shots the ump and the teabags
That’s a big peen he must be a cole
by Bigpeenman September 30, 2019
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