So sorry. Used in chatting and text messages to express how sorry one is.
by shaggs99 May 21, 2010
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when you don't mean that your sorry but you say that so you don't get in trouble
sorry dylan
by red clan January 11, 2019
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When one is apologetic that they are not apologetic about a previous thing.

Often used by sorority girls.
My friends' boyfriends all think I'm prettier than them... Sorry I'm not sorry.
by SIUGREEKS April 3, 2011
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an awsome video from flip skateboards
yo essay , did you see arto brake his neck in "sorry"!
by booty October 11, 2003
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1. to suck at a given activity or sport
2. someone who is irresponsible or lazy
Rashad: (misses wide open shot)
Greg: "I told you dat nigga is sorry as hell!"
Kiki: "Rashad didn't pay child support for the third month in a row!"
Laquesha: "You know Rashad don't got no job... that's a sorry ass man!"
by ZillaFarilla February 17, 2007
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Prefix to a noun that belittles the impact of it.
You and your sorry corvette got your lonesome ass cracked by a kid on a bike
by Kung-Fu Jesus April 18, 2004
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Commonly used Canadian phase, born out of the excessive usage of "sorry", this statement allows the user to conform with the sintax of apology, but indicate that he is, in fact, not sorry.

Often used in situations where an undue amount of judgement or prejudice is being applied. A simple, direct way to tell the person their feelings/thoughts/opinions aren't changing your mind and you will not apologize.
Sally: "is that wine? Are you drinking while pregnant!?!"

Jane: "it is wine and it is my choice, Sorry I'm Not Sorry."
by Sorryimnotsorry September 22, 2013
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