Getting a rim job on an airplane. (Similar to the mile-high club but much more spectacular).
Guy 1: Dude, the stewardess just gave me a rimjob in the bathroom!
Guy 2: I can't believe she skyrimmed you! Thats freakin awesome!
Guy 1: It was better than was legendary!
by Morgore December 1, 2011
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A horrible joke crime against humanity
Jim: dude my dad died Jarb: How? Jim: this terrible joke crime against humanity he was excited about made him kill himself because the game was such a let down that every Elder Scroll Fan that likes Skyrim fingers their butthole no exceptions.
by The Champion of Cyrodiil April 29, 2012
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The act of attempting to climb steep mountains/hills by jumping at various angles repeatedly in video games instead of trying to find the actual path that was intended to be used. Most commonly done while playing Skyrim, but can be performed in other games as well, with varying success depending on the video game and the mountain/hill in question.
"The path is over there, what are you doing?"
"Paths are for the weak. I'm Skyrimming this."
by kjlynn March 15, 2015
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Someone who plays Skyrim all hours of the night, has 50+ hours logged on the game and is addicted. This person is constantly playing Skyrim. This person no longer contributes to the economy because they spend all their time at home. Also this individual has no social life, because they end up neglecting their girlfriend and their friends. The only way a Skyrimer socializes is through chatting online with their friends while playing Skyrim.
A Skyrimer is a individual who stays up until two or three in the morning, sometimes pulling all nighters playing Skyrim.
by mryan707 January 17, 2012
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When you've been playing a game from dawn til dusk for the past week and have to go down to the shops for food and forget how to interact with real people.
How will you be paying for that sir?



That guy got skyrimitis or something, he thinks im an NPC
by 1Head November 4, 2018
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the end of all social life and probability of males getting laid as we know it.
he you coming out tonight.
i cant im playing skyrim.
by ericstotle January 9, 2012
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Sk-eye-rim-ming: The act of abandoning your friends, family, work and other such social and physical obligations to sit in your underpants for a protracted length of time (possibly years) playing Skyrim.

Alternatively rimming someone while jumping out of an airplane at 40,000 feet. See also 'riming
Bill was skyrimming, now his dog and his children are dead. Yay! Dragons!
by weeble dave November 12, 2011
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