2 definitions by mryan707


Someone who is wandering around at night outside. A person being a creeper at all hours of the night.
A Nightcrawler is a person, or group of people who are walking down the street in a place you wouldn't expect someone to be walking when it's dark outside.
by mryan707 January 17, 2012
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Someone who plays Skyrim all hours of the night, has 50+ hours logged on the game and is addicted. This person is constantly playing Skyrim. This person no longer contributes to the economy because they spend all their time at home. Also this individual has no social life, because they end up neglecting their girlfriend and their friends. The only way a Skyrimer socializes is through chatting online with their friends while playing Skyrim.
A Skyrimer is a individual who stays up until two or three in the morning, sometimes pulling all nighters playing Skyrim.
by mryan707 January 17, 2012
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