The dejected feeling that is a result of discovering a use for something that you used to own but since have thrown away.
The hoarder felt purge regret when she realized she had thrown out something seemingly useless; but that item turned out to be valuable.
by andiebrite September 5, 2010
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The regret you feel immediately after eating panda express. Either for the calories or the explosive diarrhea you know is coming soon.
Guy: let's get panda!

Girl: Uh... Dude what about the panda regret?

Guy2: just had three servings of orange chicken. I'm having mad panda regret.
by Panda popper December 7, 2013
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the feeling of deep regret and exhaustion one gets after eating too many oily takeaway Chinese noodles.
Angus: I'm going to get the large veg noodles
Steve: Don't do it! You know you're gonna have noodle regret.
by veggiesaurus November 3, 2011
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An event that takes place after you pleasure yourself to some questionable shit. The event starts immediately after climax, in which you feel nothing but shame and regret and sometimes even suicidal urges. The event could last up to entire weeks before the "Train" derails.
After jerking off to pictures of people in the yearbook and to pictures of my aunt, the Regret Train hit hard. I immediately started attempting many different types of suicide.
by I put pp in your coke December 3, 2017
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The coyote ugly of mail order DVD rental. When you place an item in your Netflix queue and forget all about it. One day the turd shows up you are shamefully forced to send it back unwatched.
Roomy one: A new Netflix arrived today.
Roomy two: Open it.
Roomy one: (opens it) All Quiet on the Western Front?!?! What the fuck!
Roomy two: Shit, mad queue regret man. I forgot that was in my queue! Gotta send it back and get the next Heroes disc.

by nbowling December 9, 2007
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The feeling you get after sending a friend an extremely unflattering, embarrassing, or accidental snapchat. Usually results in praying for the snapchat to not be able to send, for fear of potential future blackmail opportunities.
-Girl 1: *sends a flash selfie snapchat of herself derping*
-Girl 2: *screen shots, laughs evilly, and posts said picture on every social media they know of*
-Girl 1: "shit.. the Snapchatter's Regret is so real rn"
by Pearlgirl February 11, 2014
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When you friend request a person on facebook who you dont know at all or very well and they bring up your facebook request in person and say they dont know you in front of people, making you look like a weirdo.
Blake turned out to be a total facebook regret. He made me look like a creeper in front of everybody, when all I did was friend request him to be friendly.
by wepow December 1, 2009
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