My space term.

When someone want's to become your myspace "friend", they have the ability to comment your profile and pictures, and send you private messages.

All hardcore, scene, and emo kids have a myspace.
Jane looks at John's myspace and decides he's hot. or, hawt l0lz so hardcore!

Jane presses the friend request button, asking John to become her friend.

John then see's the friend request when he logs on. He has the ability to choose whether he want's Jane to be his friend or not. He clicks Decline because Jane isn't scene enough!

See Jane cry. =
by 0MFG S00 EMO GABBI! July 23, 2006
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Myspace term.

When someone want's to become your "Friend" on myspace, they have the ability to comment/message them.

Jane looks at John's myspace and decides he's hot. or, hawt l0lz so hardcore!

Jane presses the friend request button, asking John to become her friend.

John then see's the friend request when he logs on. He has the ability to choose whether he want's Jane to be his friend or not. He clicks Decline because Jane isn't scene enough!

See Jane cry. =
by 0MFG S00 EMO GABBI! July 21, 2006
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When you see a member of the opposite gender that you find attractive and you would like to add them on facebook.

-Damn, that girl is friend requestable! I gotta get her name
by Kevin_Potter August 29, 2011
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The one thing middle school girls pray for at night.

A great way to make someone feel like they actually have friends.

A phrase which often causes the elderly to become baffled, then irritated, and then baffled again. Frequently accompanied by a facial expression which illustrates confusion.

The downfall of the technological revolution in one term.

The name of a song by the band Evergreen Terrace.
Suzie: "I cant wait any longer to check my myspace page!"

Bystander 1: "Why do you think that girl is running frantically into the library?"

Bystander 2: "I have an idea."

Bystander 1: "Yeah, she must be anxious to check her Myspace for New Friend Requests."
by Ecamsan007 August 26, 2009
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a person on a social networking site who, using a picture much more flattering than reality, tries to obtain as many "friends" as possible in the attempt to make themselves feel popular, cool, or basically anything other than the social insecurity that plagues them.
Woah, Marissa has 1,223,456 friends on Facebook. I don't know, I mean it seems like a lot of people knew her.. I don't remember ever meeting her though... how do I have 245 friends in common with her? oh, she's a friend-request whore.
by tyliz January 7, 2010
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the act of neither confirming nor ignoring friend requests of those that I full well know and remember, but who have thrown me even the SLIGHTEST bit of shade in the past. I instead leave them to linger for days, weeks and sometimes a full month in 'friend request purgatory'--for punishment... and purification--before finally accepting their requests and welcoming them into "heaven" (i.e. my friend list)
Did your ex boyfriend friend request you? He's on Facebook now.

Yes girl, I have him locked away in Facebook friend request purgatory, to give him time to think about his choices and hopefully make better ones in the future.
by mskimisfierce May 13, 2010
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The friend request sent right after meeting someone for the first time.
After meeting Ryan at the party, Dave sent him a post-acquaintance friend request to secure their friendship.
by XileLord April 25, 2011
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