1. to do really well on
2. to own
I killed the test today!
I killed the try outs!

I got killed by the lab assignment, yo!
by trollolololol0l0l0l0l0l May 31, 2011
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A word used to descibe something being really cool, best,awesome, etc. Can be used as either a noun or adjective.
Breakfast is the kill! Omg, that was so kill.
by nikki charae October 3, 2009
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"ate it", "fucked it", "pipped it", "finished it", "smashed it", or "Did a great job".
I killed it last night.
I killed that dish.
I killed my set.
I killed that pie.
I killed that girl.
That food was so good that I had to kill it.
My job was on the line. I had to kill it.
Killed it.
This game is great! I'm killing it.
by dudafyahbox September 11, 2019
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The expression used when someone is severly beaten in an argument (thus silencing them), inadvertantly embarrasses themselves, is made a fool of etc.

Similar in meaning to owned/pwned or served.
1. Haha did you see that killing Farmer just gave Hobbs?

2. Killed! *wiggles fingers*

3. You just got KILLED!
by the_robsta June 1, 2005
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(v) To ruin the quality of something, such as a song by singing along to it badly.
by QZkotL April 9, 2003
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Dude I scored some Bud today It was.. The Kill!! I saw Your Mother naked last night..She has The Kill Tits!! I Love Your new Truck. Its The Kill
by REBELHAWK May 20, 2007
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To murder.
1:Let’s kill him

2:ok how about we stab him 69 times?
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