A man who has a sexual attraction to city buses; esp. in Seattle where the transit system is called Metro and the buses are all labelled Metro on their fronts.
{Juan}: Hey Larry! Did you know that John is a Metrosexual?
{Larry}: Yes I did Juan; I've known that for years if not decades now. He's a real fucking bus freak.
by Telephony June 4, 2018
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A guy who:
1. Cares a lot about his appearance.
2. Has more pairs of shoes than his girlfriend.
3. Is not gay, but some may come to the conclusion that he is gay.
4. Watches Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, or even 'the straight guy' was on that show.
5. Is Vanity Smurf.
(Brainy Smurf's mushroom house; Brainy Smurf, Jokey Smurf, Vanity Smurf, Grouchy Smurf, and Smurfette are playing a game of kimps at the kitchen table)

Brainy: Vanity, you're so fruity. You must be homosexual!
Vanity: No, I'm not!
Smurfette: I agree with Brainy. You're so girly, sometimes I wanna smurf up my breakfast!
Vanity: No! I'm not gay!
Jokey: Then what are you?
Vanity: Metrosexual!
Brainy/Smurfette/Jokey: Oh...
by Gwen Stefani Grrl February 9, 2004
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Metrosexual: (noun) Of or pertaining to a straight, urban male who is eager to embrace and even show off his feminine side, especially when it comes to expensive haircuts, designer suits, and $40 face cream.
-From Netscape Celebrity
The kind of guy who paints his nails, wears flip-flops, owns a lot of shoes, takes an hour to do their hair etc. but is not really gay.
by kegeten July 18, 2003
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a person who likes trains, a LOT.
Joe: oh my god, what's that guy doing to the M train?!
Thomas: i don't know...
Lawson: isn't it clear? he's a metrosexual.
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A Straight Man who is: Tidy, Enjoys cooking, Is a neat freak, Likes to shop, Gets expensive Haircuts, Is probably often mistaken for gay, Uses the word "Yummy", Wears Jewelry, And is really really Nit Picky.
Yes, My stepfather is a Metrosexual.
by Angela November 24, 2003
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Any male who engages in activities such as ironing his jeans and t-shirts, wearing makeup, spending hours on his hair whether dyeing it - styling it - or talking about it, purchasing and using innumerable "products" such as cleansers and concealers, dresses according to a "style", goes to another town to shop for a hat, and in addition to these qualities pretends to like women but is too "shy" to approach any.
We all had to wait to leave while he ironed his jeans, the stink from all his prodcuts nearly killed us in the car, and all night long he talked about how good his hair looked.
by Jason March 7, 2005
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A closetted gay man who enjoys maxing his credit cards, emptying his bank account and mortaging his house for the 11th time in his pursuit for the latest fashion items and beauty care products.

He enjoys being admired by just anyone, gay or straight, but claims to be nothing but straight.
Brad Pitt is a metrosexual
by MetroBoy April 28, 2005
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