1) A really dumb game that gives old guys excuses to get away from their wives to swing sticks at balls.

2) Originally stood for Gentlemen Only Ladies Forbidden
Heeeeeey Frank, listen I'm just a little horny, so waddya say we go play a little "golf"?
by violentchick15 October 23, 2007
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Pretending like you’re at work when you’re in fact taking a 12 inch black dick up the ass
Person 1: Why are you golfing
Person 2: I’m at work nigga
Person 2: I wanna try golfing some day though
by AaronLikesItUpTheAss October 3, 2018
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A sport created in Scotland that incorporates various clubs and a little white ball and a hell of a lot of land. Golf, in ye olde days was actually an acronym for one of the rules of the sport: Gentlemen Only, Ladies Forbidden. GOLF. Don't believe me? Look it up.

Golf is a sport that takes skill, patience, persistence, and a good way to manage anger by yourself. It can be a sport of great fun, great thinking time, or great stress, depending on mood, skill, and amount of people playing with you.
Golf can be played by anyone that is determined to reach a goal, and about $100 for a shabby set of gear.
by zomgwtflolbbq April 29, 2008
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An unspectacular leisure activity (sometimes called a 'sport' for some strange reason), usually enjoyed by spoiled or stuck-up rich people with nothing better to do with their lives.
I'd much rather watch the grass grow or the paint dry than to look at somebody playing golf.
by Space Demon-69M July 2, 2019
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White men in polo shirts whacking heavy, round, dented plastic with a nightstick.
Greg: Hey Jon want to go golf?
Jon: Oh yes. I do believe I do.
by KAYDUBZZ March 30, 2020
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I had a good game of golf with the missus last night

also, crazy golf: sex while drunk and unable to tell ur actually boning a shemale
by jiminy cricket August 30, 2003
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The slang word for anything relating to shrooms or the act of tripping out on shrooms, to be used when around non-users.
Kid: "Hey mom, can I go golfing?"
Mom: "Sure Billy."
Kid: "Haha...sucker..."
by Yodia January 20, 2006
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