Acronym: Fucked Up Beyond All Reason.
The 2000 presidential election was completely FUBAR.
by wot!? August 20, 2003
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1. Fucked Up By A Retard
2. Fucked Up By A Republican
The USA isn't beyond all hope of repair or recognition; it's just FUBAR. That's why we have elections.
by fduck May 18, 2004
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The 2004 Presidental Election was so FUBAR it's not even funny.
by army_azn November 30, 2004
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Yes, it is commonly known as "fucked up beyond all repair" or "all recognition." But I believe it was originally coined in the military, which has a penchant for acronyms, as "fouled up beyond all repair." You don't have to say "fucked." You can just say "fouled."
I can't hit the target because this rifle is FUBAR, Sir!
by David October 15, 2003
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After her wreck, Her car is FUBAR
by Paige October 5, 2004
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