17 definitions by fduck

Urban Censorship

(n) a suppression of certain types of definitions without explanation on a supposedly free Internet forum
Sometimes new definitions submitted to this website become ghost posts; this is a form of Urban Censorship. One tends to wonder why a short and simple definition for one-termer was confirmed but never posted while a huge definition for Operation Iraqi Freedom that rambles on an on for several pages is allowed to remain.
by fduck January 12, 2004
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all audiences

(n/pl) the small minority of people who expect the government to be a nanny and haven't figured out that if they don't like what they see or hear they can (a) turn off the TV or radio or (b) change the channel
The First Amendment is not appropriate for all audiences.
by fduck May 18, 2004
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Etymology: Used in Al Franken's "Rush Limbaugh Is A Big Fat Idiot and Other Observations"

(n) one who blindly and uncritically agrees with everything that comes out of Rush Limbaugh's mouth

See also dittohead
The most frustrating thing about debating a didiot is that the source they cite for all their information is Rush Limbaugh, a man not known for his integrity.
by fduck January 12, 2004
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The first objective of Operation American Freedom is to oust the Bush regime.
by fduck July 21, 2004
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Gorge Bush

(n) an intentional misspelling of "George Bush" calling attention to the greed associated with his policies and supporters
Gorge Bush decided to stimulate the economy by giving his biggest campaign supporters yet another tax refund. They responded in kind by donating half of their refunds to his re-election campaign. It's a nice cycle, isn't it?

(FYI, I did have to spell to save my life once: a gun-wielding maniac threatened to blow my head off unless I correctly spelled "onomatopoeia".)
by fduck April 5, 2004
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first amendment

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
Martin Sheen, Tim Robbins, and Susan "Saranwrap" are all covered by the First Amendment even if some people don't agree with what they say.
by fduck January 8, 2004
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(n) one that suicides, is currently in the process of suiciding, or has suicided in the past
"Freedom will prevail, so long as the United States and allies don't give the people of Iraq mixed signals, so long as we don't cower in the face of suiciders, or do what many Iraqis still suspect might happen, and that is cut and run early, like what happened in '91" - George W. Bush (quoted by Bill Sammon in The Washington Times 5/10/04)
by fduck May 10, 2004
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