The act of saying "high five" to a friend, then dodging their hand by diving yours underneath and saying "dolphin." -Started by Jaco Chew
Person A:"High five"
Person B:"OKay" (hand assumes a high five position)
Person A:(Hand dives underneath)"DOLPHIN!!"
by raMonster July 15, 2006
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When you stick your nose in someone's "blowhole" (aka butthole) to smell the fresh air that comes out of it
Skylar pinned me down and sat on my face last night. It was all a big joke until i got dolphinated
by mizbetsy March 5, 2009
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Shave your body hair completely off, oil yourself up, and tag a broad from behind while going, “eeeeheeeh eeeenheeee.”
“Dude, can you gimme a hand? I need someone to shave my back.”

“What, why?”

“I need to be as smooth as The Dolphin for tonight’s shenanigans.”
by Voodoo Hooch February 2, 2018
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A person who leads you somewhere, and then abandons you. Similar as to how dolphins will lead people away from their herd, and then abandon them.
Nicole is such a dolphin. She convinced me not to get my book, and then when we walked 20 yards, she ditched us.
by lolerbunney February 2, 2008
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Pure epicness. No other animal beats them. You hurt them I hurt you. 🐬 EPIC
dolphins are more epic then you will ever be
by dolphinn January 25, 2022
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the number 5000. originally referring to points, "dolphins" have grown to include just about anything.
origins: the online game Robot Unicorn Attack, where every 5000 points you get, another dolphin joins the pack.
1. "dude yesterday I was playing robot unicorn attack and i got almost 12 dolphins in one wish."

2. "yo i have like a dolphin songs on my ipod."
by hbro April 22, 2010
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A profession football team that resembles a holiday rebate check.....Allways mailing it in before they expire on December 31.

The football version of the Bostonred Sox
by Anonymous August 4, 2003
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