An olympic ice skater with a pretty face. A very cute girl and very talented ice skater despite her constant falling.
Me: Sasha you're beautful, want to skate together sometime?
Sasha Cohen: Sure, lets go before I have to go practice.
by i<3sasha September 27, 2006
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Solly is leng and every single person in the world wants to sleep with him. what a man. he has a 40 footer and has accidently made 3 tsunami's with his cum.
you: look solly cohen
your girlfriend: i love him more than you.
by hate group October 13, 2021
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A girl with a large fat ass that domes and gives hand every day. She loves BBC. BIG BLACK COCK
Omg did u see Rachel Cohen domed again???

No way!!
by Natty453 September 7, 2016
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When Leonard Cohen smokes a fat kief bowl with you
Dude we just got so lit, totally a kfier cohen! sad bowl gettin dark high jew Tokin smokin jerusaleum joints
by SpicyDanknutsack69 April 26, 2016
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A term used to label a moment in which someone shows signs or racial or sexual intolerance.
Person 1: Man I sure dislike those gays
Person 2: Cohen Moment
by Scousler January 3, 2023
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When one makes a ton of life changing decisions in a very short period of time, with thorough analysis and little apprehension, remorse, and zero fucks being given. An amazing feat of daring, coordination and logistics!
Jeb pulled a cohen last week by selling his house, car, boat, cat, dog, and favorite smoking jacket, I can't believe he is moving to bora bora to save the ancient striped carp of the southern pacific.
by PouchCoach4Ever April 2, 2017
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A gay Jewish retard who sucks more dick than a vaccume in a locker room. When he sees girl he is softer than James Charles on pornhub. Once he mistakenly fucked his sister leia thinking she was a large man named randy.
Did you hear about that retard Scott Cohen the one who fucked his sister
by Jwms truth teller March 20, 2019
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