2 give a certain someone a slap, box cuff. punch, blow.etc in or around the head. it sould only take one clip to get message across.
if you carry on, your gunna get a fuckin clip. or iam going 2 clip that cheeky cunt simon morton.
by catmando September 27, 2004
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Slang term for "Dating" in Western Pennsylvania.
More preferable for a male to describe his status with a women.
Guy1: Hey, what are you doing tonight?
Guy2: I'm taking this new girl I'm clipping out tonight.
Guy1: Aw sweet she got any sisters?
Guy2: Naw, sorry bud.
Guy1: It's alright, it looks like another night of smackin it...
by W to the Alrus September 21, 2010
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Aye we about to clip
by Ayee1223 December 6, 2016
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What a dumbass would refer to a Magazine or a 'Mag'
"What you have there are not clips these are mags, there mags not clips you absolute fucking dummy"-The Goat himself Charlie
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Clip refers to a amount of money, no less than 10 of a countries largest bills. This amount often equates to 1000
This TV cost me 2 clips
by FaneticA October 19, 2019
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Having sex with an inappropriate person at an inappropriate time
Yo bwos, I still can’t believe Jon clipped that relative right after the funeral
by JStackzz March 21, 2023
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When something is over or when someone is not your friend anymore / you don't like them
"Yo bro we out to the party?" "Nah bro it's clip"

"She's talking about me.. its clip for her"
by itsclip October 15, 2018
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