Doodie Claus is a large, poorly groomed Hungarian man that lives in the sewers of Boston. Every year on February 12th, he journeys to the surface to give children the gifts of doodie and happiness.
Gosh, that sure was kind of you to put those orphans out of their misery Ken, you are a regular Doodie Claus.
by Spanky the Pirate April 2, 2004
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Santa Claus is a creepy stalker who tries to make up for it by giving you gifts. He "sees you when you're sleeping, knows when you're awake, knows if you've been good or bad". See? Stalker. Not only that, but he knows where you live, your name, who you have a crush on, and everything else about you. Also rather stalkerish. Plus, he's a fatty. He must be what, 500 pounds? How does he fit through the chimney? And if you don't HAVE a chimney? He's also a greedy thief, as he steals your milk and cookies if you leave them. D: Another thing would be his signature laugh, "Ho ho ho!", which is hardly nice if you get what I'm saying. D: The bottom line: Santa Claus is a greedy thief, creepy, and a stalker.
This freaky boy is stalking me! He's such a Santa Claus!
by Breanna19 December 22, 2008
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Janus: "Wow, Santa really hated you this year huh?"
Roman buried in presents: "You mean Sanders Claus????"
by Marshall Lee? Yes. November 14, 2020
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Someone who buys a prostitute for their friends as a gift for Christmas.
Johnny was a real vaginta claus this year. He got six hookers for Freddy for Christmas!
by Ushna Bling July 6, 2015
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What everyone from anywhere near NY or PA calls Old St. Nicholas.
some grandmother from Brooklyn: soon sanny claus will come
by john stromboli January 3, 2021
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A western Pennsylvania term. It means to initiate plans for a later date, then not show up or follow through with the plans.
Jim pulled a Claus again on me. That asshole called me and told me he had tickets to the Donnie Iris show for Saturday down at Nick's Fat City. I sat around all night waiting for that asshole to show up. That fucker's always pulling a Claus on me.
by Rick Beggs April 2, 2011
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Most Known as *Hitler from Christmas* Santa Claus is a big fat dick elder, that sometimes acts kinda pedophile by eating his elf´s ass and pussy.
by Santa claus pedophile??? nein December 27, 2022
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