To burn someone off is to dump them, cease involvement with or do something to belittle them. You can either 'burn someone off' or 'get burnt' if they do it to you. The person who gets burnt will often have a feeling of rejection
Mike: "Hey are you still going out with that girl?"
Bill: "Nar, I decided to burn her off"

Henry: "Hey you guys wanna go to that party tonight?"
Dave: "Nar, it wont be any good"
Stu: "Haha, Henry you just got burnt"
by Gav800 September 5, 2005
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To accept that a relationship is over despite you're still hanging on.


Damn, I love his ass. Guess I shouldn't have cheated. Oh wel... gotta let it burn.
by Jae Spence September 5, 2005
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an extremely negative experience that scars you for life and changes your behavior.
damn, I can totally understand how you're a lesbian now, after being burned by so many men.
by Anonymous December 3, 2002
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Description of an individuals severely bad mental condition, usually due to excessive drinking.

Comes from the Famous "Jim Burns"...
"You were wasted last night... remember telling everyone they hated you? You had a touch of the Burns going there!"
by Jamie August 14, 2003
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when your really angry about something that happened/didnt happen also see cut
tod: u missed the maddest footy game last night
eric: farout man i know i was BURNING
by srbby December 9, 2007
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when someone burns their wrist with either a lighter, candle, ect. as a form of self-injury or si.
my friends been burning her wrists lately
by helen March 26, 2004
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