while doing a woman reverse cowboy style you pull out just before climax and cum on her unexpecting face.

you proceed to dance around the room yelling " yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!" ; like the lead singer from U2 Bono.

Kevin totally told me he pulled the bono on tara last weekend!
by Mr. boyt November 30, 2007
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conceited little shit of a man who loves to snort up charlie and speaking in a stupid contrived accent which doesnt reflect real Dublin people.

Self righteous hasbeen cunt who should give up "performing" and support some home grown replacements rather than licking Apple and IRMAs arses.

charliegreedyhypocrytejunkieweekend staring into the mirrorself obsesseddelusions of granduerembarrassment to Ireland
"Oh god no- maaa- look at that twat Bono on the news, he's pipin more shite about the third world and I swear to god he looks off his face"
by womoma April 16, 2005
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lead singer of the highly publicized group "U2".
what's the difference between Bono and God? God doesn't think he is Bono.
Bono does not sing well live.
by quintessential he June 2, 2009
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Singer from U2. The worst composer of music in history. He thinks he's the next best thing to God. His fans claim that he's helping to stop world hunger and other curing aids even though he has accomplished nothing but getting millions of undeserved money. Deserves to die a horrible, painful death involving gerbils gnawing off his tiny penis.
Bono: Okay, the next song I'm going to sing is about how great I am and how everyone should call me "God" and worship me.

Person who likes good music #1: Screw this, I'm gonna go listen to some Led Zeppelin, where the singer is actually talented!

Person who likes good music #2: Jesus Christ, your music makes my ears bleed!
by Blackdog 218 August 19, 2009
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Originally the singer of homosexual band U2. Now also known as a perfect synonym for "gay" or "very gay". It can also mean "queer", or "wuss", depending on the situation.
You fuckin Bono, quit staring at my dad's ass.
by NainDeJardin February 28, 2005
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The greatest man ever to grace the earth with his presence. He has a glorious voice and a very shiny butt. He sweats a bit much under stagelights. Some people call him pretentious but that's just because it's cool to hate him. His eyes are sensitive to light, so he wears shades, aka Bono shades.
Person 1: Oh my god, that man has a voice like Bono!

Person 2: Really? OMG the hotness
by the-cat July 12, 2011
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Noun; A man who no matter how many good things he does still comes off as a huge piece of crap. This is because he actually is crap.

Origin of the word comes from an episode of South Park where Stan's dad takes the largest crap in the world.
Man, why are you such a Bono?

I don't care what they say, that guy is a Bono.
by Ronnie Kimbel February 25, 2010
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