when a guy or girl (mostly guys) is very moody and attaching at times or just ignorant. Sometimes it's really cute & others its plan annoying. most of the time blobs are good looking (just saying...)
-symptoms of having a blob-
- incredibly dependent
- gets jealous of EVERYONE that talks to you (including cats)
- makes you feel very special (goodway)
- mood swings
- always is holding you hand, waist, shoulders etc etc.
- gives you little cute looks
- makes sad noises at you, when you talk to other people
example a-
jill- what was wrong with bernard
casey- god, he is just so moody, one minute he's all sad then a second later hes all happy!
jill- he is SUCH a blob!

example b-
sometimes bernard is almost to blobish, he is very clingy, i can't talk to other people

example c-
im glad i have such a blob of a boyfriend, i feel great & loved with him. jeez i love him.
by caseykaleidoscope April 22, 2008
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a glob of spit that is flung onto someone else's face/hair off the finger.

Can use gum/lotion also.
You think you're so sweet... Well let's see how you feel after i blob you up.
by Blobbb July 29, 2005
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Verb meaning complete relaxation (usually in the afternoon but possibly spanning all day) without any sense of guilt due to lack of mandatory things to do
I blobbed myself all day today! Watched Desperate Housewives, ate chocolate and cooked some Nigella-food and ATE IT. T'was epicdary!
by (One). August 16, 2010
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A big fatty who likes to eat chips and play video games. This "blob" also enjoys cookies and often goes to McDonalds' to eat grease. Fatties are not good, and neither are blobs.
EW! Look at the fatty! What a blob.
by BLOBIT02 April 8, 2010
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When an obese man is laying on an obese lady trying to find where to stick his penis.
Dave: Hey Sharon the blob was really good last night.
Sharon: Yea, it was really good when you actually put it in my vagina.
by ijackoff2u January 23, 2011
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A Blob is someone who is not only over-weight, but as well as an overall jerk to the vast majority of people.
You Blob!
by Snuffleuffleguss December 20, 2018
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