To tell someones to 'fuck off' or 'go away' hence 'fuck away'. Used by a group of people consisting of James Gary and Timo which tend to make up stupid things like that a lot
Bob: can i have a bite of your apple pie
Jim: no, fuck away bob, you cannot have a bite of my apple pie
by Jimmy November 14, 2004
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Dropping one's wife off to do something that she wants to do, while the husband goes to do something he wants to do. (Reference to Mary Kay parties)
I dropped the wife off at Macy's so I'm going to get a beer at the pub to take a quick Kay-away.
by holy husky November 7, 2010
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To put a member of the opposite sex on reserve for a future sexual encounter; Emphasis on Lay.
"So you tappin' that?"
"Nah, she's only seventeen, I've got her on Lay Away"
by Marcus N. December 15, 2007
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A term used by all branches of the United States military services to describe one whose performance is even with or above satisfactory level, and that has continued such performance consistantly for an extended period of time. Alternately, this term may be applied to objects, placed, events, or generally anything that presents a high level of military order and discipline.
"Damn, private, you are squared away."
"By the time
by GaliemVae... oh, fuck it December 7, 2004
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A term used in casual conversation by people of the Keighley, a small town on the outskirts of Bradford. Often used to acknowledge that something is not mediocre, but also not really exciting, better than average, but not full of life.
Man 1 : How's that butty mate?

Man 2: Steady away lad.
by Isidksnlzje bztsljs June 4, 2016
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A term used when gaming and someone or something is far away, you say it is a ‘gallon’ away. This cryptic conversion of distance and volume is not supported by the dimensional analysis technique but rather by advanced physics with use of higher levels of calculus and differential equations.
Bro why are you shooting at him he’s a gallon away
by , November 14, 2021
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