12 definitions by GaliemVae... oh, fuck it

A military slang used in the Unites States Army that describes a team of soldiers, usually in a maintenance unit, who repair and inspect sensitive electronic equipment, including, but not limitted to, such things as missile guidance systems.
"That iffie shop is squared away! Now, I know how things work in an iffie, so I won't go down there, but you tell them that first sergeant is happy."
by GaliemVae... oh, fuck it December 7, 2004
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A term that is slang for a more formal set of orders in the United States Army. Drop is a command that may replace the set, "Half left face! Front leaning rest position, move!" This order is used when instructing a soldier of lesser rank to do pushups as a method of discipline for minor infractions.
"You're SOUP, private! DROP!"
by GaliemVae... oh, fuck it December 7, 2004
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A term used by all branches of the United States military services to describe one whose performance is even with or above satisfactory level, and that has continued such performance consistantly for an extended period of time. Alternately, this term may be applied to objects, placed, events, or generally anything that presents a high level of military order and discipline.
"Damn, private, you are squared away."
"By the time
by GaliemVae... oh, fuck it December 7, 2004
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A slang term used by non-airborn personel in the United States Army to playfully describe airborn personel.
"I was given the option to go airborn on my orders, but I'm not dirt dart!"
by GaliemVae... oh, fuck it December 7, 2004
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A slang used in the United States Army to describe a soldier whose performance is lacking. Dirtbag is typically used to describe a soldier with long term performance issues, whereas similar US Army slang, such as "Ate up" and "Soup sandwich" are used in the short term. All soldiers have at one time or another been designated as "Ate up" or "Soup Sandwich," but only those with significant long term problems are labelled as being dirtbags.
"Soldier, you were once just ate up, but now you're becoming a real dirt bag. Are you proud?"
by GaliemVae... oh, fuck it December 7, 2004
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A phrase used by the United States Army and United States Marine Corps to describe a member of the service who performs extremely well in terms of garrison performance, and is far above the degree of excellence expected in terms of battle related skills.
"That Sergeant Smith is one hard charging troop!"

Note - Generic name used to protect the innocent. If this is your name, first, congratulations on becoming an NCO. Secondly, there have been roughly two million people with your name and title.
by GaliemVae... oh, fuck it December 7, 2004
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Used as a slang term by airborn members of the United States Army to playfully describe non-airborn members.

See dirt dart, as it is the expression used in the same military branch with reverse definition.
"My buddy will be deploying with us, although he's one of that maintenance unit's legs."
by GaliemVae... oh, fuck it December 7, 2004
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