170 definitions by Jimmy

The process of moving without using your legs.
I don't walk, I mechride.
by Jimmy September 3, 2015
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an object which is used for typing
"i am typing with my nose"
by Jimmy January 8, 2005
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1) Netspeak way of spelling "euphoria"
2) The 1337est tracker ever!
u4ia's l8est is teh r0xx0r!
by Jimmy October 4, 2003
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Someone who eats frogs with no respect for any laws against doing so.
by Jimmy March 27, 2004
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Damnit bill, you got right in the nards!
by Jimmy October 22, 2003
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To be attacked or to experiance missfortune relative to the destuction of the twin towers.
Now that I have 9/11'd my car, I can only imagine how many tears the eagle sheds today.
by Jimmy September 11, 2004
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adj. under the state of embarrassment; humiliated, abashed, owned.
The other day, I was walking around the mall, and this kid fell flat on his face down the stairs. Omg! RUTZED!
by Jimmy March 8, 2005
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