An exceptionally ugly pigeon who wonders around peoples' yards looking for suitable places to take a shit on.
Joe: Yo, what happend to yo yard bro?

Mike: the unthinkable wonder pigeon brah
by AnonymousPigeon October 24, 2013
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Ancient social media platform enabled by pigeons. Its first recorded use was in Persia, and it was used notably in World Wars 1 & 2. Fossil records show that shitposts on Pigeon Post were actual bird droppings.
Pigeon Post workers went on strike today for being paid literal peanuts for wages.
by haqlberry July 12, 2022
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A girl who goes out to dinner with a guy just to get a free meal.
Look at these dinner pigeons playing these simps for free scraps
by D down for real October 6, 2020
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Noun. The common name for the medical condition Diverticulosis - the working man's version of gout. Caused by excessive sausage rolls, ketchup and cheap Chinese food.
Q) Why is Chris in hospital?
A) He's got a mild case of Pigeon Gut. Should be out in a couple of days
by CurlyWurly58 August 25, 2023
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When a pigeon bobs his head the woman does the same on mans penis funky pigeon
by Funkypigeon69 June 5, 2020
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The top-notch, professional, expert, MASTER, game pigeon players (Game-Pigeoneers
Ada: Play me in 8 Ball
Aidan: Ok... But I'm a Master Game-Pigeoneer
Ada: I'm Sure
*Plays Game*
Ada: *Bows down to the Master Game-Pigeoneer*
by Sanjobanjo123 November 19, 2018
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