A number that come after 8 and before 10
by alannah_awesome April 18, 2019
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Used to describe a situation that is fun but not a complete ten, hence "nine".
A: OMG that party was so nine
O: Yeah I had so much fun
D: Me too!
by olysda203 August 6, 2016
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the German word for no
Person: yo bro are you German
you: nine
by WaywardSoldier January 11, 2020
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Nines is a term in the modded GTA5 server, Nopixel.
Nines is the max prison sentence you can get in Nopixel and is normally displayed as "999999999 minutes"
If you get the nines in Nopixel you used to be in jail forever, they changed it so that you won't be in jail forever
Max got arrested with a lot of drugs on him, he got the nines
by MansEre August 15, 2022
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Les Nines sont complètement égocentrique mais c’est à cause de Ronsard leur crush.
Elle sont sensibles, loyales elles surkiffent le latin et le grec c’est maladif. Elles ont un humour charment et se roulent parterre au badminton.

Nota bene elles ne font pas la vaisselle et sont de mauvaise humeur le matin.
Ne surtout pas affamer.
Magnifiquement gorgeous en robe de soirée pour Noël et complètement photogénique elle a bon cœur et est doté d’un vif esprit capable de rationaliser en toutes situations mise à part quand le mot grec se glisse malencontreusement dans une phrase.
Nine !!!!? Tu peux m’aider en grec ?
by Ignis la naïve November 22, 2021
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so one time me and my friend were i. a test and the last question was REALLY hard and we both did the most simple thing (we just added the numbers together and you were supposed to do some equation bullshit) and we ended up with the right answer
me: did you get nine for the last question

friend: yeh it's deco wrong tho
me: yeah lol
*get right answer*
*shocked pickachu face*
by amypercy April 15, 2020
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An odd but good number
1. Can refer to an age
2. Can refer to a pussy that has 9 lives

3. The number of the devil/ lucifer
4. A number thats you can buy a gram of weed with
by KingInnaEarth February 2, 2021
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