12 definitions by amypercy

THAT middle aged woman with THAT hair cut saying she wants to see the manager
urban dictionary, you know what you did. i'm karen and i WANT no i DEMAND to see your manager
by amypercy April 15, 2020
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the bee movie is a religious movie also known as the bible as it has multiple life teachings. the bee movie should be treated with respect and should be worshiped by all living and breathing creature as it is superior to all religious.
hey man, do you have a moment to talk about our lord and saviour Barry Benson, he stars in the bible, also known as the bee movie
by amypercy April 14, 2020
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My life is brilliant

My name is James

I'm only 7

And that explains

Why I’ve never had a best friend

Until you came along

But people stop and they look at us and they say that it's wrong

They say

You're a paedophile

You're a paedophile

You're a paedophile they say

You're name is Clive

And you're 45

But you don't let that come between us

And you make me hold your... hand

We went to the park

And we fed bread to a duck

And then you took me home

So that we could… eat dinner

And now I’ve got your fish fingers in my tum

And then you try to push your... food on my plate

You're a paedophile they say

You're a paedophile

You're a paedophile they say

But I don't care

Cause you're always there

Like when you helped me find my spectacles

And when you fiddled with my... hair

You find me after school

You watched me in the pool

You make me laugh when you act silly

You take me to the swings

You buy me sweets and things

Sometimes I play with your... watch

You're a paedophile they say

You're a paedophile

You're a paedophile they say

Or I have misheard

Yeah I’ve got the wrong word

I mean that you're my babysitter

And though you are my babysitter

You still take me up the... shops
James deserves justices. he deserves to be defined.
by amypercy April 14, 2020
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Clive is a commonly used word to describe a pedophile.
Did you here about that 7 year old boy whose best friends with Clive, what a pedo
by amypercy April 18, 2020
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so one time me and my friend were i. a test and the last question was REALLY hard and we both did the most simple thing (we just added the numbers together and you were supposed to do some equation bullshit) and we ended up with the right answer
me: did you get nine for the last question

friend: yeh it's deco wrong tho
me: yeah lol
*get right answer*
*shocked pickachu face*
by amypercy April 15, 2020
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