Any gathering of frumpy people. An uncomfortable interaction between either sloppy or awkward people
Gosh, that engagement proposal was such a Frump-Fest.
by PogMoThoin97 June 3, 2019
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The encounter of a group of women subpar to expectations.
Guy1: "Yo, Let's go ask the chicks at the bar if they want to dance?"
Guy2: "No way! Have you seen them up close? It's a total frump fest over there!
by Frump Fester April 30, 2018
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A party, event or place where lots of sex or sexual actions happen. Anything from sloppy make outs infront of people to sex in a public washroom go.
Dude, let's go to that dance tonight, it's gonna be a total soup fest.
by Thick b June 27, 2017
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The Fest is a time honored tradition in which people gather to play music and drink and/or use drugs, particularly psychedelics. This ritual spans thousands of years through a variety of cultures, most notably the Aztecs and the Mayans.
The Fest draws a diverse crowd including but not limited to old deadheads, salesmen of assorted contraband, families with kids, dogs, high school kids drinking underage, and lovers of live music.
Most of the time, The Fest lasts several days. Music is always heard at the fest. It is a very laid back place, usually set in a sprawling mountain range and/or forest. There is no real law enforcement and no real trouble. All of these things combine to make The Fest an ideal location to enjoy life and music and experiment with psychedelic drugs with your friends.
If life is a video game, then tripping at The Fest is a bonus level.
by Michael Scot Phisher Pfisterly September 28, 2014
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Lmao look at that fatass over there what fest!
by Qwos August 11, 2022
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The collective noun for a group of cocks, as in idiotic people. ie A fest of cocks, similar to a gaggle of geese, except it's cocks and not geese.
"Look at that Fest of Cocks over there". Or "The girl next door had a Fest of Cocks round last night, geees!"
by mandudno2 February 24, 2016
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1.(n) A annual three day PBR fueled punk rock music festival located in Gainesville Florida. Generally around Halloween.

2.(adj) A term used with great discretion to describe that which is the ultimate in cruciality and awesomeness.
I got lost when I was hammered last night, but I bumped into a Five Star pizza dude and scored a pie. It was so FEST!!!
by El Gully August 30, 2008
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