Big deal, important occurance. Usually used sarcastically or to blow something off.
"You're girlfriend cheated on you."
"Big whiff, I don't need that hoe."
by C-Rizzle December 7, 2007
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And exclamation of disgust uttered immediately after you cop a whiff of something that curls your nose hairs.
Poo-whiff, Barry, better lay-off the beans, old son!
by niftydog May 14, 2007
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A term used to describe the smell of an object (usually a plastic item) that smells like pussy, but there is no reason that it should.
"Christ, those DVD cases reek of fish whiff!"
by Char H January 8, 2006
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I titty whiffed my paycheck on that striper last nigth
by pooknboi November 19, 2014
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The bit of skin between your genitals & your a-hole
Sally's got a lovely Whiff Bridge
by Dave69er July 2, 2011
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A scenario in which a player (of an FPS game) repeatedly misses shots on an opponent, despite their skill or experience. unlike whiffing, Whiff City is used to describe an absurdly high amount of whiffing.
*wastes an entire clip on enemy*

You: "Bro wtf"
Teammate: "Jesus Christ Whiff City dude."
by Bang Smyth April 17, 2018
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This term is typically used in the hit E-Sports game, Rocket league. It refers to an imaginary wall of confidence used to perpetuate one's belief that they are better than they really are at defending insomuch as it actually improves a player's gameplay.
Where was that wall of whiff when you own goaled goddammit!?!
by ProjectA July 21, 2019
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