Is a person with little to no education who works for wages. These people are usually slaves to their employer and have to kiss butt otherwise they will be fired. Being that these people don't have many other job opportunities, they are forced to live the rest of their lives working for wages and being a slave. Their only other option besides being a wage slave is going to jail or becoming homeless. Because they lack job skills, they are very limited in the type of work they can do. Many adults who are wage slaves now, dropped out of school and got caught up in the popularity game. Or they are people who never took school seriously and instead wanted to party like a rockstar. These people are basically the physical labor of this country and if they misbehave at work they are fired. Then they lose their living quarters,cars,family, and their life takes a turn for the worst. Let me mention, that many of these people were born to low to middle class families which is why histroy is repeating itself.
wage slave
by jenny29 January 16, 2010
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when you see a fit as fuck bird with a nice ass and u say you would pay a weeks wages to bang it hense a weeks wages
(i'd buy that for a dollar)
bloody ell dave i'd give a weeks wages for a piece of that sunshine!!
by the pricey April 7, 2006
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the wage that mexicans make
damn seems like hes makin mexican wage at KFC
by D.O.N.N.A. February 26, 2006
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someone who only works and does nothing else with their lives, despite the company they are showing loyalty to only treating them like a number.
adam never does anything cuz of his job. what a wage slave
by jayohe December 13, 2021
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A big and hairy vagina
A vagina that needs some aesthetic work
Jane: OMG I need to wax my german wage.
by Cakester October 4, 2007
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A liberal's definition of someone who is employed at-will but not given what they haven't earned.
Bob is a wage slave because he can't sit on his a$$ all day.
by The Truthdish January 16, 2014
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a really low paying job, like a Mcjob. A job that only brings in, if your lucky 2/3 of what you need to live on a month. But you keep it because there isn't much else out there.
I'd have more money if I didn't make pinochle wages
by just s guy March 5, 2012
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