Something that is really amazing and fantastic whether it be a person,place,thing or idea
Originates From: A running joke within RoboCop is an inane TV show with the catchphrase "I'd buy that for a dollar!", which people in the film's future universe find humorous. The star is the goofy Bixby Snyder apparently based on Benny Hill. However neither the name of the show nor the character are ever revealed in the movie.
Originates From: A running joke within RoboCop is an inane TV show with the catchphrase "I'd buy that for a dollar!", which people in the film's future universe find humorous. The star is the goofy Bixby Snyder apparently based on Benny Hill. However neither the name of the show nor the character are ever revealed in the movie.
A person was watching the super bowl half time show, and Janet Jackson breasts got exposed.
The person says: Man, I'd buy that for a dollar!
The person says: Man, I'd buy that for a dollar!
by Danny Malt October 18, 2007