what you were thinking of, bored shitless,then you look up this word on a search engine and get here?! Very bizarre!
*taps fingers, looks round to make sure noone is watching* then ta da, type bollocks and look all innocent :)
by manslayer December 21, 2003
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To damage, destroy, render unusable, make useless, to break
"Leave my computer alone, you'll bollocks it up like last time!"
by Paddy Smith April 12, 2003
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to give out...
My boss just gave me a right bollocking...
by Cully April 1, 2003
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Totally pointless conversation, talking shit, builshit, bollocks / bollock
I'm hanging out with these motherfucking wankers for some bollockic conversation at Boujis
by Solosplash February 18, 2012
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{UK slang} a nitwit, hack, or general waste of DNA, who bumbles around uselessly like a pair of bollocks in the wind
Oi you spilled me pint, you nobby bollocker!
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