Anal sex, only unexpected. If you were suddenly penetrated anally, you'd be surprised too.
by Forced anonymous March 30, 2006
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When an actor turns out to be British after playing an American character, without prior knowledge of the actor being British in the first place, thus being a surprise british. Similar to surprise buttsecks.
Guy 1 after watching the new spiderman: "Wow, that was a great movie!"
Guy 1 watching an interview on the movie: "WHAT? He's British? Damn, what a surprise british."
Guy 2: "Did you know that that guy in the Dark Knight is also British?"
Guy 1: "No..."
by Toffrox July 19, 2017
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A phrase that if yelled at a party, justifies ANY otherwise taboo action or statement that precedes it.

Can be used in any situation.
You are blackout drunk and a kid tries to get you to vomit for your own good at a party. You pull a knife out on him and everybody freaks out and then you scream RAPTOR SURPRISE. Everybody then laughs and forgets about the previous action.

Great if used as a hashtag on twitter as well.
by jprue February 28, 2012
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A Jimmy Surprise is when an innocent look into your buddy's room through a fire-escape with unusually good clarity results in the unexpected viewing of your friend masturbating buck-ass naked on his bed to Sportscenter.
I thought my roommate was asleep and I could run in real quick to borrow his stapler, but when I opened the door I was greeted by a Jimmy Surprise.
by Phil Ayshio December 10, 2006
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Typically a phrase used to send someone an unsolicited multi-media image or video that is intended to make the recipient laugh and feel surprised.
Fatima: *random photo* "Surprise shawty!!"

Rosario: "HAHA - that photo is hilarious! I love being surprised shawtied!"
by heyhey00 June 3, 2021
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The act of lubing up ones penis and inserting it in a womans anus when she isn't expecting it.
If you don't start being a little nicer to me, I'm going to give you an astroglide surprise in the middle of the night.
by hititlong January 6, 2006
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When pounding the vagina at a high rate of speed, you miss the vagina and jab the asshole by mistake.
"Hillary, why are you walking like a duck"? "Uhhg, that asshole from the bar last night gave me a starfish surprise".
by Ben Fugin Cho Mamma July 9, 2012
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