When your hungry as fuck after smoking some bud thats mad good.
"yo you see him? he put yo mommas cornbread muffin a charleston chew in the pockets of his sweats then grabbed a glass of oj...hes got some rad munchies.
by herry pothead January 8, 2006
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An incurable delight
I had the munchies all night and I was on the toilet for a half hour this morning
by ninjainjun62 October 12, 2010
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The only negative thing about smoking marijuanna
Damn everything looks so good I got the munchies
by CC211 December 12, 2013
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After smoking weed, you get very hungry and that's what the munchies are. The need for food, usually junk food.
Person #1 "where you going?"
Person #2 "cafeteria"
Person #1 "why? what's there?"
Person #2 "munchies yo, I get the munchies bad when I'm high"
by LIL90 February 27, 2008
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A brand-name snack food that combines other various types of snack foods (i.e. Doritos, Pretzles, Chex Mix, Goldfish...and i think i tasted cinnamon)
Man...I've got the munchies. Let us go to the UDF and by the munchies.
by Tommy May 19, 2004
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the extreme rush of wanting food
A man with bloodshot eyes stumbles into the kitchen: He opens the fridge and starts to devour...
"Damn, that brother got a case of the motherf*&&in munchies...wait a sec, so do I...im blitted..."
by StonerANON October 30, 2003
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