When you bid on something on eBay and automatically regret it. Due to this regret you wish to retract your bid, but eBay rules don't allow this. You are left with a feeling of remorse hoping that someone will outbid you.
Sarah: Man, I just bid on a new phone on eBay.

Matt: That's exciting. Do you think you will win?

Sarah: I hope not, I have a bad case of bidder's remorse.
by lady tati March 24, 2011
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When you have the BEST SEX ever with a person you don't care for, or, about. Your guilty conscience makes you physicaly ill and you can not go to work. You call off work ill with the "Orgasmic Remorse" excuse...it's the new "food poisoning" of excuses.
Donnie took a personal day off today, he suffers from Orgasmic Remorse
by hilda50 October 30, 2013
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Knowing the only reason you graduated from high school and or college was because of Wikipedia.

Wiki's remorse could also be a feeling of guilt. Almost as if you cheated because you used Wikipedia and it made the assignment so much more easier.

(Wiki remorse is also known as "wiki's remorse" or "Wikipedia remorse".)
On graduation day the valedictorian was giving her speech about how she spent long hours and days at the library researching for her 15 page report on The Holocaust, and how hard work pays off. While Max thought about how he basically just paraphrased the whole Wikipedia article on the Holocaust. Then he started feeling like crap and having wiki remorse for not putting any effort into his work .
by xChelseaKravitz April 8, 2011
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Overwhelming feelings of shame, guilt or filthiness after masturbation. Often a result of conditioned upbringing, perverse fantasy or simply the step back to reality post orgasmic euphoria.
Stan's chronic, daily , deviat masturbation habit to videos of ladyboys always left him in a state of Tugger's Remorse.
by Eaton Holgoode March 25, 2015
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The feeling of guilt subsequent to hooking up with someone. This could be anything from just a kiss to intercourse. However, the most extreme cases of sexual remorse often are due to intercourse.
I totally shouldn't have slept with him last night! I have a bad case of sexual remorse!
by bill the buffalo October 23, 2008
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verb: Refers to the feeling of remorse felt after completion of masturbation.

Does not have to be limited to the feelings of disgust after realising what you just jerked off to.

Masturbator's Remorse also refers to feelings of sadness related to not looking at a different type of porn, not coming to a good enough stimulus, not getting through enough porn and coming to soon, feelings of loneliness and deep depression etc.
Gavin just game after two and a half minutes of shemale porn, and now he is feeling Masturbator's Remorse for not at least look up some hentai.
by NicCaged November 7, 2013
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The reluctance to turn off the radio when a good song comes on. Most commonly upon arrival at a destination in your motor vehicle when you would rather sit in your vehicle and listen to the song, as opposed to getting out of your vehicle.
Paul (boss): You're 3 minutes late Rico. You're fired!!

Rico (worker): Sorry Paul, I had radio remorse.

Paul: Ohhhh. That happens to me all the time. No worries, you still have your job.

Rico: Whew. I'm glad another good song didn't come on!
by Weaponstache January 20, 2011
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