A person who is usually someobdy who performs sexual acts if payment is arranged or they may do it as a favor because they just want to get laid. also see whore, slut, laid.
Oh my god you dirty prostitute whore! I cant believe you brought me here!...I'll see you in my room in five minutes.
by BuckSnort December 28, 2005
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The illegal act of being paid for sex but it's not illegal if there is a camera involved.
Prostitution is how I got every STD know to man kind.
by Nickypoospriv March 2, 2017
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A woman (or man) that sells her ass (or his ass) to Republican senators and representatives.
Your mother is a prostitute. That is to say that she practices prostitution.
by 3Gdamnyousankmybattleshipbitch January 17, 2006
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A job at Taco-Bell.
Prostitution in the restroom of a local Taco-Bell.
by Qualludes October 24, 2014
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A woman who hangs around the street corners in GTA 3 dressed in skanky clothes designed to be beaten with baseball bats and have her wallet stolen.
Hey dude! yesterday i was playing GTA and hired a prostitute...
Really? What did you do? *wink*
I beat her to death with a baseball bat.
by le penis head January 28, 2010
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*A person (yes, apparently men can be prostitutes as well) who condones sexual acts for payment of money.

*A hack received by a woman who is dressed beautifully, or if the woman is beautiful.
"I didn't know guys could be prostitutes!"

ME : "You got some nice duds today babe. ^-^"
CHICK : "Thank you. That other kid said I looked like a prostitute."
by Dave March 20, 2004
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