An evaluatory phrase which judges a given activity's enjoyment. Fun things rock one's face off; non-fun things do not.
After seeing Catch-22 at the Avalon in Boston, Jill exclaimed to Lauren: "Dude, that totally rocked my face off!"
by Jordan February 29, 2004
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A friendly way of saying "I don't want to talk to you anymore".
Me: "Hey, wanna do something Friday night?"

Her: "Oops, looks like I've got a call on the other line!"
by placebo February 4, 2005
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1. To be surprised by something or someone.
Dude 1: That was a really good gig
Dude 2: Yeah, the sound quality just blew me face off.
by toastface July 29, 2005
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Verb: to eat huge quantities of delicious food for the pure joy of eating

Commonly used by dieters and college students
Dieter 1: Hey, where are you going to take a vacation to this year?

Dieter 2: Thinkin bout a cruise

Dieter 1: Dude! You could so Eat Your Face Off at the sick buffets

Dieter 2: Rock on!
by TedDeadMan January 22, 2010
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Makes you happy/horny/laugh or otherwise greatly affected.
You rock my face off!
Do you like Alkaline Trio? They rock my face off! Yeah I screwed Chris, he rocked my face off!
by Dsay Diane Nev October 24, 2003
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A response given to a person that has said something incredulous.
Geezer 1: I'm gonna win the lotto this week and blow it all on hookers and drugs!
Geezer 2: Yow blow my face off yow do with ya stupid talk
by toastface July 29, 2005
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An instance in movies or TV shows when two people face off for an argument and the shot zooms in on one's face and then the other's. It continually switches back and forth. A shorter series of shots can be used for drama. While a strangely long series of shots is usually used for comedy. Sometimes the shots slowly become closer to the target's eyes as they switch between the two subjects.
Person 1: Where are you going?
Person 2: Home.
Person 1: You're not going anywhere!
*Close-up face-off*
by RalphusAdolphus January 11, 2006
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