One of the performers sets fireworks of in his dads bedroom to wake him up, then in his car then puts a crocodile or alligator (I dunno which) in the kitchen in a attempt to make there mom say "FUCK". Thats a jackass!!!!!!!
by Niffty? October 25, 2005
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A derogatory term similar in meaning to asshole, or stupid asshole. Jackass is a term that's almost never used by today's young people but somehow it sounds hilarious when an old person says it and really means it.
The jerk CEO at a nursing home was telling old man Smith that if he was going to stay at this nursing home he would have to sell his house and possessions or be kicked out.

Old man Smith: "Jackass!"

Nursing staff covers their mouths and tries desperately to stifle their laughter. Old Man Smith just said exactly how they felt about their CEO.
by OneWhoKnowsBetter December 21, 2012
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"You getting your friend to put holes in their face is a total jackassism"
by Meg and Lis December 14, 2007
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90% of the 'people' who submitted their frighteningly ignorant and downright hateful quasi-definitions to this website. If they're 'urban,' I'm glad I'm suburban.
"I wrote some funny stuff in the urban dictionary website, because nobody gives a damn about what I have to say in the real world, and I'm destined to work at McDonald's my entire pathetic life."
by Margaret July 23, 2004
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Someone who is so extremely stupid, their IQ is lower than a donkey's, and do shithead things for no reason at all.
by Alexander_ February 8, 2022
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a great TV show on mtv that airs stunts. Nothing that has ever been aired on jackass (nevermind food stuff) is as crazy as stuff ive done. they skateboard off ramps, i bike onto moving vehicles. they ride wheelbarrows dowm some retarded hill, i ride some stupid shit but fast ass home-made car thing down the fastest hill in town. they might have had an injury, i play through two football games with a broken leg.
-ignorant person- whoa that show is insane!
-intelligent drew- nah, nothing they do is that dangerous
by Urban Dictionary March 18, 2005
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1. best show on earth
2. best ever movie (jackass the movie)
3. my way of life...
(l)Mr. Knoxville is my GOD and JACKASS is my way of life(l)
by jess_the_jackass October 21, 2003
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