20 definitions by Margaret

describing one who listens to excessive amounts of Tool, Snoop, and System of a Down; also known to indulge in herbal refreshments from time to time; generally, a pleasant and easygoing personality...derived from the latin work lax, meaning TOOL SUCKS!
"I'm laxy", said Bill.
"I've heard that about you", replied Marge.
by Margaret November 11, 2004
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90% of the 'people' who submitted their frighteningly ignorant and downright hateful quasi-definitions to this website. If they're 'urban,' I'm glad I'm suburban.
"I wrote some funny stuff in the urban dictionary website, because nobody gives a damn about what I have to say in the real world, and I'm destined to work at McDonald's my entire pathetic life."
by Margaret July 23, 2004
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A combination of gigantic & enormous; shockingly big.
That monster burrito I had yesterday was Ginormus!
by Margaret July 17, 2003
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This is a person who is so ugly only hoes will bang them
by Margaret November 4, 2004
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When someone with long (and usually creepy-looking) fingers touches stuff (or other people) with them in a disturbing and annoying way.
Stop finging me, Goddamnit! It's sickening.
by Margaret May 13, 2003
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a beanie is usually woollen and it is worn by skaters and pople who are cold.
Jules: I'm cold
Champ: You douchebag you forgot your bloody beanie. Now you are gonna freeze to death
by Margaret June 6, 2004
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