20 definitions by Margaret
describing one who listens to excessive amounts of Tool, Snoop, and System of a Down; also known to indulge in herbal refreshments from time to time; generally, a pleasant and easygoing personality...derived from the latin work lax, meaning TOOL SUCKS!
by Margaret November 11, 2004
by Margaret March 28, 2005
90% of the 'people' who submitted their frighteningly ignorant and downright hateful quasi-definitions to this website. If they're 'urban,' I'm glad I'm suburban.
"I wrote some funny stuff in the urban dictionary website, because nobody gives a damn about what I have to say in the real world, and I'm destined to work at McDonald's my entire pathetic life."
by Margaret July 23, 2004
by Margaret July 17, 2003
by Margaret November 4, 2004
When someone with long (and usually creepy-looking) fingers touches stuff (or other people) with them in a disturbing and annoying way.
by Margaret May 13, 2003