<qwert> Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side! guffaw!
<yuiop> :j
by Neoguardian October 24, 2003
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The Ultimate-Guitar.com (UG) version of the pound sign (£) - it is common amongst hard-core patriotic users to use this replacement (J) outside of context and UG...

J or j can be used - both are acceptable.

This replacement of 'J' and '£' arises from the personal messaging system. It inexplicably replaces '£' with 'J' before sending, presumably because it cannot store or send '£' as it is not a letter, and as UG is American, the £ is unlikely to be used.
- Oh that's about J180 isnt it?
- cheapest I've seen is J500!
by STROPH March 17, 2009
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A short, cool way for Jews to say JCC
Leo: yo Jake, wanna hit up the J before shabbus?

Jake: yeah sure bro, I’ve been working on my Lay-ups all week. But I gotta be home before 6 cuz my cousins are coming over.
by 809 April 29, 2019
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A pair of Air Jordan Basketball shoes. Usually nice; clean; new; pair of them.
Hey bruh; watch it, steppin on my J's!

I got my Jays on I'm ready to ball out!
by Mister Man. February 11, 2009
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(Jay) N. (1) A Joint. (2) Purest form of nudity (3)An Upturned penis. see also (Doobie, Stick, Roach, Cheeb, Lefty)
1) What's up? Nothing just smokin' a "J".

2) There I was standing in the police lineup naked as a "J".

3) I got all drunk and took that fat girl home from the bar. She jumped on top and broke my dick. Bitch left me a "J".
by SirIsaacHillary September 2, 2005
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A new type of emoticon, used in many different situations, mostly in gaming:
1: when you do something good, unexpected, or skillful
2: when trolling someone
3: when people try to make jokes that are "comedy gold", (used the emoticon in excess)
4: when being a jerk
A) when playing Starcraft 2, and you micro completely perfectly
"Dude that was total BS, how did you do that, hacker" response: " ;j "

B) (playing any sort of game such as Super Smash Bros, where 1 person is extremely more skilled than the other)
skilledperson: *infinite juggles the other person*
otherperson: CMON man give me a chance
skilledperson: ;j


person1: Hey man you should CUM over to my house XD
person 2: ;j;j;j;j;j;j;j;j ;j ;j ;j ;j
by Abeeza Boza November 25, 2013
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he stepped on my j's !

Nelly ft JD ft Ciara - Stepped On My J’Z
by Michantely July 11, 2008
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