Slang for vulva, sex, or a coward. Historically also an affectionate term for a woman or a cat, but no longer in common usage.
I love pussy!
I'm getting pussy tonight!
Stop being such a pussy.
by araneaeee August 11, 2019
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1. a group of cats
2. a group of female genitalia
3. the french
1. koreans eat pussies for breakfast
2. i eat pussies for breakfast
3. eat me you tree hugging fuckers
by Peter June 11, 2003
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The root definition of Pussy is "soft and fuzzy". You can replace the word Pussy in just about any context with the words soft and fuzzy.
Pussy Cats are soft and fuzzy.
Pussy Willows are named after the soft and fuzzy buds on thier branches.
Cowerdly people are not hardened, so soft. (However not always fuzzy)
A womans pussy or vulva is also soft and sometimes fuzzy.
The pussy willows are in bloom.

My pussy cat keeps bringing in mice.

Its just a small cut you big pussy.

Damn I could tap that pussy all night long!
by Jougal December 11, 2008
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I got a pussy-cat
by Anonymouse🐀 December 17, 2018
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The word 'pussy' derives from the word 'pusillanimous' which means to show a lack of courage/determination. Many people use pussy as an insult without knowing the correct origin of the word. That isn't a bad thing, but so many people accuse those of using the word pussy to further degrade or insult women, which isn't true, even though it is a slang word for female genitalia. So again, pussy is the contraction of pusillanimous
Joffrey Baratheon from HBO's Game of Thrones is such a pusillanimous (pussy) little bitch
by he4vyrain April 16, 2014
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