The act of masturbating in a public area and swiftly pulling the fire alarm right at climax of said orgasm causing a scene that would shock everyone who was lucky enough to see it.
Bro I got kicked out of the mall yesterday
I hit em with the old Nigerian Firehose
by GlockoSandstorm66 July 10, 2023
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Set a girls boobs on fire, then titty fu*k her while peeing
Im going to to give this hoodrat a "Tijuana firehose "!!
by Illanoize March 23, 2021
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When you diarrhea in a standup shower and its sprays against the wall.
Dude, he just unleashed a chocolate firehose in my shower. That jerk.
by jtronication October 23, 2009
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When a man has to pee very badly and in the process of pulling out his dick when he finally gets to the bathroom he begins to piss wildly before he has his grip or his stance ready.
"Whoa, is it raining out there?"

"I wish. I was just wrestling with the firehose after all that Gatorade I drank this morning...I don't have any extra pants."
by koreatown May 3, 2019
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A sexual maneuver in which a man lops off the head of his own penis and sprays one or more other individuals with the resulting blood spray.
Alan's in the ER after attempting a Transylvanian Firehose.
by Aohaku July 20, 2016
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Refers to the involuntary "geyser" of liquid/slurry that one produces when something funny/shocking is spoken in his presence while he's eating/drinking something, said utterance causes an "automatic" or "uncontrollable-on-short-notice" lung- expulsion from a laugh or cough, which in turn causes a forceful ejection of the mouth's contents which shoots out for several feet and disgustingly messes up anything (or anyONE) in its path.
A classic example of a "firehose" remark-reaction is when Jimmy Culp does an astonished "sploooot!" when he hears his name mentioned by Robert Stack on the Tonight Show immediately after taking a deep swig of beer.
by QuacksO February 21, 2019
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