103 definitions by RoundenBrown

Something that is dead or should have died, but is still alive. Usually refers to works of popular culture or art, such as TV shows and the like (see Jump the shark).
Guy 1: You hear the Simpsons is writing out Apu?
Guy 2: Oh well, I stopped watching that show years ago.
Guy 1: Yeah, it's a drooling zombie.
by RoundenBrown October 27, 2018
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1.) A tool used to row a boat.
2.) How Irish people pronounce the letter "R".
American guy: "Hand me the oar, we need to get this boat moving."
Irish guy: "Did you see Oar-T-E News last night?"
by RoundenBrown November 9, 2018
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An employee in a service sector job, usually low-ranking, who tries to find any excuse not to accept coupons.
I tried to use a coupon, but the Coupon Nazi at the register read me the riot act.
by RoundenBrown December 13, 2019
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When you engage in coitus under the influence of drugs and then feel bad about it afterwards.
I got the Copenhagen Cope and Seethe after last night.
by RoundenBrown November 3, 2021
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Adjective (Adj)

English language, American dialect
Origin: Contiguous United States, late 20th century.

Daphuck. A two-syllable word expressing disgust and/or surprise. Sometimes said in conjunction with the word, "What."

Pronounced: "Duh-Phuck."
Patient: "I just ate my own feces!"
Doctor: "What daphuck?"

Policeman: "Sir, you are under arrest."
Gangster: "Daphuck?"
by RoundenBrown July 13, 2014
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The L337 (Elite) way of spelling the word "Lulz," which is a secondary way of saying the word: LOL.
"0MG, 1'M S0 L337, 1U12"
by RoundenBrown December 29, 2009
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A high-yield nuclear bomb, so named due to its ability to destroy a large city.
A citybuster took out their capital in the opening salvo.
by RoundenBrown October 5, 2019
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