To take a punch or some sort of pain and just saying "I eat those bitch!!"
Some one punches you in the face out of nowhere and you just look at them and say "I fucking eat those!!!
by Tbizzle February 25, 2005
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There are two common definitions.

A. To eat food.

B. To devour ones manhood.
A. This restaurant kicks ass, I can hardly wait for the chicken cordon blue so I can eat it.

B. Hey Mark! Here is a suggestion, why don't you eat it. Actually while you are at that, pound sand!
by The Cash Man July 24, 2003
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To take in a large amount or mass of an object
by Nectr March 3, 2019
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When a baseball player wants to tell their teammate to keep the ball
"John, EAT IT"
by old_yellow May 26, 2019
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slang term for someone who sucks at something
dammit, that noob eats it at cs
by cs pwnage February 20, 2004
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