
1 A passive-aggressive form of communication to inform someone that their behavior or appearance is not to someone elses liking, or inline with their way of thinking. (This is usually relayed to friends and co-workers using the 2 finger quote motion.) Suggester is usally Clueless regarding the suggesting topic.

2 The Act of encoraging someone else to do something that you don't have the balls to do yourself.
1a Hey Bob, If i can make a "Suggestion" regarding your report that you turned in..if you could format it... blah blah blah

1b If I can make a quick suggestion to you...Your breath smells like should go brush your teeth.

1c Dude, if i can make a suggestion about your should add some more zepplin, cuz everybody loves zepplin.

2a Well Girl, my suggestion is you dump his ass, and get yo self a real man.

2b I'd fuck her if i was you, but that's just my do what you want to do
by Dr. Nasty - January 12, 2005
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A suggestion and a comment combined.

A more forceful suggestion that suggests you are in fact making a statement
"I have a suggestment. Maybe you should do something with that hair."
by Sherbombs October 7, 2011
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that's suggestive

-a phrase used in place of "Thats what she said"
-used when describing a sexually suggestive situation.
-taking something unsexual and turning it sexual.
"Look at my new TV"
"Wow, thats huge!"
"That's suggestive"
by tod222 January 9, 2012
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A suggestion, although the wrong way to say it. Can start sounding so normal that you start using it in everyday life without noticing it.
"Does anyone have any suggestments?", Said Mr. Molino from ISM.
by Frank Rizzo June 20, 2004
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Hym "Don't you just hate that? When someone gives you a 'suggestion' like 'why don't you get a better job?' OH REALLY!? I never would have thought of that! You must be some kind of mainstream intellectual! Well, apparently I CAN'T get a better job because I'm (somehow) too stupid to even THINK of getting a better job! No, but that's a really good idea though. I wish my dumb brain wasn't so fucking stupid so I could think of good ideas like you; you dumb motherfucker. Holy shit! The nerve of these fucking people! Jesus! Maybe it isn't 'Liars Hell.' Maybe it's genius hell. My fate is to be surrounded by idiots for all of eternity."
by Hym Iam June 8, 2022
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Girl: What do you do instead of wanking?

Guy: I take suggestives.
by blah9257289 December 14, 2008
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Geneva Suggestion

Often used when someone is going to break laws established by Geneva Convention
Geneva Convention? More like Geneva Suggestion!
by SerbianSlav April 23, 2021
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