1. To literally have a dick inside you as far as it can go.

2. To be very into something.

3. To be concentrating hard.
1. I want him balls deep inside me.

2. I'm balls deep into him.

3. I'm balls deep in this book.
by PineappleJuice March 2, 2015
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While bowling, if you throw a gutter ball for your first throw, then throw a strike to pick up the spare on your second ball.
Fuck ya, I just went balls deep to pick up the spare!
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Carper i smoked so much weed tonight i was BALLS DEEP .
by from smokeing January 27, 2009
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Balls-Deep is the point when your testicles reach cold water while swimming thus making your testicles shrink into themselves.

the girl equivelent would be Clit-Deep
I was swimming in the Spokane River and I got Balls-Deep, holy crap it was cold!
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1. When a doctor or other party sticks something so deep into your anus you can feel a tingling in your balls.

2. Stuck in an extremely uncomfortable situation with no chance of escape.
The doctor told me to put my elbows on the table, and next thing I knew I was balls deep.
by Luby Loo November 18, 2006
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When three guys share the front seat in a single cab truck.
Troy, Shane and Dustin sat three balls deep on the way to Starbucks.
by AyPotter November 12, 2012
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