N. When a chick with rather large breasts is wearing a low-cut shirt- anything that can be thrown down said chick's shirt
Cleavage Ammo: Including, but not limited to, grapes, m&m's/Skittles, gum, bits of paper, crumbs, coins, french fries...
by lerxst1974 January 5, 2009
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another term for 'camel toe'

oh man - that chick should not be wearing lycra - she's got some serious clitoris cleavage
by Chantelle November 14, 2007
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Occurs or shows when a woman has high arches and wears a pair of high heels (i.e. hooker heels) and the arches of her feet show. It is more common to show when she is sitting with her legs crossed or just relaxed. Can be especially appealing if the woman is already considered sexy!
Karen came by my cubicle today and I was pleasantly surprised to see her arch cleavage.
by postscriptak February 8, 2010
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Part of a female's body seen when her jeans, short shorts, skirt, etc. is worn so low that she might as well be showing everyone her lady parts. This girl is almost assured to be a slut, and could only show this more by holding a bottle of Jager, giving a dude a handjob, and saying "I am so drunk right now," all at the same time.
Kevin: Wow, did you see that girl with the short shorts?
Sean: Yeah, they were so low she was showing off her cooch cleavage.
by Mobius67 April 11, 2010
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Normally displayed when a Male is wearing short- shorts, devoid of underwear, and his genitalia proceeds to sneak through the leg holes
I was out doing some yardwork, it was hotter than hell, my ball cleavage was definitely showing
by Jon Himself March 13, 2003
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when a girl is showing too much cleavage so you make a game out of who can throw the most stuff in her shirt
ex. coins, paperclips, rolled up gum wrappers, other small objects.
Casey's shirt was so low we decided to play a game of cleavage basketball.
by cleavage_overload91 March 12, 2008
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A small cute dog that attracts woman. When this type of dog is introduced to beautiful women they tend to bend over and pet the furry beast. The act of bending tends to make an exaggerated display of what the said dogs are named.
Dougy: Hey dude let's check out some women at the pool.

Kevin: Why do that when we have the cleavage hound at the ready! Let's hit the park!
by Todd Anthony L. June 25, 2009
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