the leg

A nickname reserved for gossiping about a super conservative, Texas rangers fan, person who has incredibly long legs in which they use to propel themselves through the school hallways to reach their destination. Usually used for boys ( with a little too much testosterone) who do something stupid or super !!! on the daily. Perfect for the chisme :')
"Bro did you hear bout what the leg did to that girl??"
by clandy chisme May 25, 2017
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Skin tight pants that show off a girls curves and create boners.
Chad can usually be found in the supply room jacking off when Keirsten wears leggings to work.
by SlopNChop September 19, 2016
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Legging it

Legging it, is in essence running away.

(Legged it)past tence

Usually used in conjuction with doing something wrong.
"And then the cops came so we legged it" or "did you see bill? He was legging it, what a pussy!"
by Sporadicfire January 22, 2007
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Aye female that is exploring her options too much
Ron: Yo I’m fucking with this baddie name Tisha
Brian: She a leg she fucked with everybody in the town
by 216Baby March 2, 2022
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a leg

"Girl why you on all these girls like that? You such a leg"
by Smokeybacon17 May 19, 2017
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A reference to the lasting duration of Heroin.

Real heroin (diamorphine) has good legs. Lasts long.
Heroin laced w/ Fentynal has bad legs. Doesn't last long.
I bought some H off my friend, the legs were terrible and I OD.
by EazieWeezie November 19, 2018
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