cherry scented boobs

also: checs
cherry scented pecs
Emily sprayed perfume, so now Kenton has choobs.
by jklfhkjlha May 30, 2008
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A person who is a total N00b, but cheers everyone on, sometimes annoyingly but mostly out of the kindness of her heart. a Cheer-n00b if you please.
Team Captain: Well done everyone!
Becky: YAAAY! WOOOO! WOOT! waahoooo!
Team Captain: Becky you are SO the team Choob.
by vigour March 27, 2009
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A Chinese nooblet on a game who you dispise for his assholishness.
Tang is such a Choob.
by fozy April 2, 2007
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The area between your boobs.
That girl has no choob, she has way to much cleavage.
by Victoria Stein January 31, 2005
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Choobs: are the morphing of a small to medium sized woman's breast to big ol hooters after she gives birth and is nursing hence.. chubby boobs..
Every since Linda gave birth to Jaden, she is always flaunting her choobs...
by dj reel2reel August 3, 2009
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that space between the neck and the boobs on a girl, that is sort of squishy, and is pretty much part of le boob.
"I was feeling her choobs, making my way to the tittays when her mom walked in."
by DI-Unit July 21, 2006
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