Asshat emoticons -

3> - little ass-hat
B> big ass-hat
<cow-orker> is being an 3> today!
<politician> is an B>
by Ezleeb June 23, 2005
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A tattoo above a womans anus. Thus a hat for her ass.
Guy 1 - "Hey man did you see that tramp stamp right above that girl's ass?"

Guy 2 - "That my friend, is what we call an asshat. Tramp stamps are above the vagina."

Guy 1 - "Touché."
by eagleshockey54 January 4, 2011
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so this one girl one day says to me your an asshat!.... and my response is damn girl thanks! love you too
by asshat2789 April 22, 2010
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1. (adjective) used to describe someone who has pissed you off.

2. (noun) A type of formalwear worn on the buttox of a man or women during sex. )see also top hat)

3. Martha Stewart after and before her prison break.
1. Merv is such an asshat! He sunk my yacht with a stick of dynamite!

2. Alex put on his asshat as he was mounting Gary for the first time.

3. Martha sold her IMCLONE stock and she went to jail. The asshat then proceeded to break out.
by Raccooninabox July 2, 2006
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One whose degenerate behavior warrants the removal of their ass and it's transplantation to the top of their cranium. Not to be confused with an assclown.
Ursula: Dude, Yakoff is being such an asshat
Bluttocks: You mean he needs his ass moved to the top of his head?
Ursula: That is what an asshat is
by Q Nasty February 23, 2008
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when someone talks out their ass so much they might as well wear it as a hat.
'that kid is such an asshat. do you believe what he just said?"

'anyone who thinks marriage should be outlawed is such an asshat'
by Michael Simon January 29, 2006
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A silly or foolish person, that sometimes says contradictory things.
John- Stew my head is big but also small
Stew- John shut up you asshat!
by Zack M October 24, 2006
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