Prison Break is an American television series that premiered on the Fox Network on August 29, 2005. The story revolves around a man who was sentenced to death for a crime he did not commit and his brother's elaborate plan to help him escape his death sentence.
by darkness24 February 21, 2007
The new breakout show Monday nights on FOX. Michael Scofield Wentworth Miller robs a bank to get into prison so he can spring his death-row brother, Lincoln Burrows Dominic Purcell who may have been framed for murder. The show has become a runaway hit and has been renewed for a second season. Wentworth Miller is the latest overnight sensation and sexy new heartthrob.
by javaturtle November 4, 2005
Hit U.S tv show now starting its second season over in the UK. In my opinion, the best show on television at the moment, im glued.
by Andyyyy January 21, 2007
by unterk August 21, 2008
The act of undies and/or boxer-briefs riding up normally through arduous physical activity or awkward lower torso/ leg position that causes one or both testicles (prisoners) to no longer remain within the confines of the undergarment (the prison) thus resulting in the testicles hanging out the side of underwear resulting in an uncomfortable situation that requires adjustment thus re-incarceration.
by S Kusack July 16, 2014
by Quenetteo September 28, 2005
Shit, Prison break has got so retarded nowadays.
Michael has gotta break out of prison AGAIN?
Cut me a break.
Michael has gotta break out of prison AGAIN?
Cut me a break.
by Anonymous_51 September 3, 2008