A branch of mathematics with widespread applications in physics, chemistry, etc. Even more pervasive than calculus, and that's saying something.
You can't calculate t in v=v0+at unless you can solve a linear equation
by A equals A April 12, 2005
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Brian easily got an 'A' sleeping through "Intermediate Algebra" in high school, he got his ass handed to him taking "Introduction to Algebra" in college.
by riotch August 13, 2005
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created thousands of years ago as a mean of tourcher.it is pointless and endless, coming up with senerios and numbers that dont even exist or even make sence. Its orgins are unkown but some say that it originated in hell because, many are lead to beleve that algebra drives many insane or to commit suicide.

Now a days algebra is used to Ruien/destroy high school and college student's GPA's and cause many to fail and flunk and lose credits.
little Sally was a strait A student, she got A's in every subject she is the smartes most talented person in school, she was going to get many schoolerships for keeping her grades so high

Sally: yay i cant wait to go to college! i always wanted to go seek my dreams but i never had enough money, but now i can with my perfect grades and i am going to get a schoolership!"

sally after algebra "NO my GPA is ruiend! now i can never go to college!"

sally loses her schoolership because she failed algebra.

example of common algebra problems
solve X+y7*zF=22
by baka kuso yaro April 4, 2011
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Bra Made of Algae, A material for support for breats of the male or female body, resembling a Manzier except made out of Algae
My Algebra ITCHES!!!!!

How many sizes does that Algebra come in?

by Brock On September 28, 2006
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1. The polar opposite of sexy.
2. Something that, no matter what teachers say you don't ever have to use after you get out of school.
"i had it all, a supermodel body, sexy boyfriend and tons of money. everyone loved me. but then i did algebra."

"my teacher told me algebra was important but i haven't used it since high school"

"mr butera is a fag he creeps me out"
by the sexiest girl at loyola January 22, 2009
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Something that is well understood by people smarter than you. Used daily by those who pursued a career in engineering, physics, chemistry, computer science, etc.
"Man, if only I'd had a better attitude in school, I might have become smart enough to solve simple algebra problems."
by shoobiedoop July 8, 2015
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